Pathways To Freedom

Legal Representation

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Immigration Legal Representation

Legal representation for undocumented immigrants in immigration, including U visas, T visas, VAWA, SIJS, DACA, asylum, LPR and citizenship.

Related Legal Representation

Legal representation for undocumented immigrants in areas related to their immigration cases, for example domestic relations, juvenile and criminal law.

Immigration Hotline

Consultation to immigrant callers without access to an attorney. For example, consultations include telephone assistance when ICE agents take family members with no explanation, assistance with protection from deportation, or what to do with letters from ICE.

Pathways To Equality

Education & Advocacy

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Know Your Rights

Weekly radio show every Saturday on La Mega 97.7 FM (Cincinnati) and 103.1 FM (Columbus). Law Enforcement training regarding victim’s rights, cultural differences and communication barriers. Community presentations informing immigrants of their legal rights regarding immigration and deportation.

Immigration Seminars

Seminars educating the professional community on immigration topics to raise awareness of the challenges immigrants face. CLE and CEU hours available for some seminars.

High School To College

Programs to help undocumented high school students apply for college, as well as identify and apply for college grants and scholarships.

Naturalization Clinic

Quarterly naturalization clinics to help undocumented immigrants complete their application for naturalization.

Naturalization Continuum

Programs to integrate newly naturalized immigrants into U.S. society introducing them to opportunities now open to them and enhancing their feeling of national belonging. Includes voter registration, democratic process, advocacy, rights and freedoms, and civic participation.

Pathways To Justice


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Policy Analysis And Advocacy

Fact sheets and briefing papers regarding policy and/or legislative issues affecting the immigrant population on issues relevant to our mission. Include workers’ rights, immigration enforcement reforms, and legal status for immigrant youth as well as any unanticipated crisis or opportunity for legislative advocacy efforts. 

Voter Outreach

Printed material and information available on the website and social media pages informing immigrant voters of current and potential legislative issues affecting them.

Volunteer Program

Help us be a voice for the immigrant community. There are many ways you can help. Contact us for more information.